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NCI Academy - Our training

Here you will find all the latest information for students, customers and training coordinators.

Request training

Following directions by the Nations, the NCI Academy is required to be fully customer funded from 2021 onwards. Each customer will require a contractual agreement before training can be provided. To this end, the NCI Academy has developed an agreement specifically for training - the Service Support Training (SST) Package. The aim of the SST is to provide required funding and delivery flexibility and to streamline the delivery management between the customer and provider at the lowest eligible decision-making level. An example SST is available on request through nci.academy.business@ncia.nato.int.

Further details on how to do business with the NCI Academy can be found in the section Preparing for 2025 below. If you have any questions, please contact us at nci.academy.business@ncia.nato.int.


Course catalogue

The NCI Academy Cyberspace Learning Catalogue is the online source for all information related to the courses offered by the Academy to personnel in NATO Bodies, NATO Command and Force Structure, Allied Nations, Partner Nations and organizations, as well as other entities with a Service Support Training Agreement with the Academy.

Search by discipline or key word and use filters to quickly find desired courses. Information such as course pre-requisites, learning objectives, target audience, prices and planned iterations is provided for each. Search results can be exported in PDF format to support the sharing of information.

Potential students may request a personal log-in profile via their training coordinator to access a personalized space. There they can see and edit personalized training information, keep track of their attendance history and more.

For more info, please contact the NCI Academy.


How to sign up

Student registration is done through your training coordinator once an appropriate agreement is in place. If you require specific details such as your training coordinator, information regarding training administration or details on future courses, please contact nci.academy.business@ncia.nato.int.


For students

We offer more than 200 courses at our training facilities in Oeiras, Portugal; Mons, Belgium; and The Hague, the Netherlands. This includes courses organized by the NCI Agency, but provided by commercial partners. Many courses are also available online.

Joining instructions for students:


Preparing for 2025

The NCI Academy is getting ready for the 2025 academic year with more trainings available for customers. To that end, your organization is requested to consider its 2025 training needs. Our "Invitation to Submit NCI Academy 2025 Training Bids" (Bidding Letter), will be issued in March 2024 and will provide guidance on how to request training from the NCI Academy. Customers are reminded that training delivery by the NCI Academy is fully customer funded, as per terms and conditions agreed to by customers in the Service Support Training Package (SST).

For further clarification, please contact the NCI Academy Business Team on nci.academy.business@ncia.nato.int.

What is changing

Please note that starting with 2024 we will no longer require the CRF in support of bidding. In addition customers are no longer subjected to the contract management fee.

Your action

We will be expecting training coordinators to submit the bidding through the Training Management System (TMS) before 1 June 2024. Also, keep your point of contact details up to date as they will be used in the generation of the SST agreements.


For those customers who do not have a TMS account please e-mail us at nci.academy.business@ncia.nato.int. We will then be able to create an account for you in TMS. Please check instructions on how to submit your demand by accessing the Help section of TMS - https://academytms.ncia.nato.int/help and playing the Bidding and Demand video. You will be able to make changes to your demand up to the 1 June 2024 deadline. After this date we will 'freeze' the bidding to start processing it. The Academy will offer more insight on the new process in the Training Coordinator Workshop event taking place in March 2024. To support the collection of training needs in your organization, we offer a 'pre-configured Excel spreadsheet' that will contain the list of courses offered by the Academy in 2025. Nevertheless, submission of final bids should be exclusively done via TMS, as outlined above.


Contact the NCI Academy


All generic questions and enquiries about the NCI Academy can be addressed to:

E-mail: nci.academy.admin@ncia.nato.int


All questions and requests related to business matters such as bidding, Costumer Request Forms (CRFs), Service Support Training (SST) staffing, interpretation of business rules, reporting, invoicing, costumer contact details or the Academy training catalogue can be addressed to:

E-mail: nci.academy.business@ncia.nato.int

Training delivery

All questions and requests related to training delivery matters such as quality, scheduling, seat allocations, turn-backs, student confirmations, prerequisites, students arrangements, course quality and joining instructions can be addressed to:

E-mail: nci.academy.delivery@ncia.nato.int

Our addresses

NCI Agency Oeiras

Reduto de Gomes Freire

Estrada da Medrosa

Oeiras 2780-070


NCI Agency The Hague

Oude Waalsdorperweg 61

2597AK The Hague

The Netherlands

NCI Agency Mons

Rue Grande – N6

7010 SHAPE Mons

