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BOA + is a competition method used for the solicitation of commercial-off-the-shelf items. It maximises the participation of interested and eligible firms by forming the Bidders List from BOA holders and non-BOA holders nominated by the delegations through Declarations of Eligibility (DoE). NCI Agency BOA+ are also issued under Invitations for Bid (IFB).

How are they advertised?

Competitions following this procedure are formally announced though a Notification of Intent (NOI) and posted on the Agency's business opportunities page. The identified BOA holders are provided as the initial Bidders List as an annex to the NOI. In addition, the NOI contains a synopsis of the upcoming competition and provides a timeline for the Agency to receive DoEs for non-BOA holders from the NATO Delegations.

Who is eligible?

Companies interested in participating must either be a BOA holder or must be from a participating NATO Nation funding the requirement.

BOA holders not listed on the initial Bidders List

If the initial Bidders List does not have listed an interested BOA holder, the BOA holder simply contacts the Contracting Officer listed in the NOI and requests to be included by providing the identification number of their BOA.

Non-BOA Holders

To be included in the Bidders List and receive a copy of the IFB, interested and eligible industry must contact their national authorities or national delegation to NATO referencing the IFB number as posted on the NOI and request inclusion in the Bidders List for the upcoming IFB. The NATO delegation will nominate the interested and eligible firm through a DoE in accordance with the deadlines and instructions provided within the NOI advertising the upcoming competition.

Consult our Business Opportunities

They are organized chronological order from nearest bid closing time.
All dates stated are current best estimates.

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