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11 24 2014

Report highlights multinational and bilateral project progress

In the course of 2014, the Agency both expanded and progressed collaboration with Nations allowing for the development cutting-edge, interoperable capabilities at a lower cost according to a report released by the Agency.

Among other things, the report highlights:

  • Continuing progress in Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance;
  • Cyber defence project delivering the first stages of innovative capability; and
  • Increasing support to Nations in getting their forces certified and ready for duty in NATO's Response Force.

Today the NCI Agency supports not only all 28 NATO Nations but also 8 Partner Nations, 2 NATO 'Contact Countries' (Australia and New Zealand), 17 components of the NATO force structure and 3 Multinational Organizations. A total of 19 Memoranda of Agreement/ Understanding have been signed with Nations and 2 with Multinational Corps.

Multinational cooperation is fostered through a total of 20 projects in various phases of development, and includes 6 ongoing projects, 11 projects in preparation and feasibility stages and 3 projects awaiting nations' decision.

Report highlights multinational and bilateral project progress