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10 18 2017

NIAS'17 - Day 2

Day 2 of NATO's annual cyber symposium, NIAS'17, started with a crowded room for keynotes by NCI Agency leaders highlighting the Alliance's cyber acquisition processes and future capability requirements.

High-level industry experts then took to the floor to discuss Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Quantum Computing and Integrated Security in depth among other topics. The diverse industry panel was very well received by delegates who then had the chance to exchange best practices in specialized workshops. Highlights of the event can be found on flickr.

Do not miss Day 3

….as we open the very last day of the conference with a keynote speech by NATO Deputy Secretary General, the Honorable Ms Rose Gottemoeller. Subsequently Netherlands; Estonia and Spain will provide their national visions for cyber command implementation.

The Agency will also be holding an inaugural forum on Women in Cyber Security, in an attempt to raise awareness for the gender gap in cyber security and ways of addressing it.

See you there tomorrow. Stay connected #NIAS17.

NIAStmpAmp17 - Day 2