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10 12 2023

NCI Agency engages with Swedish Defence Industry

On 10 October 2023, 20 Swedish companies gathered in Brussels, Belgium, to learn how NATO approaches innovation and how they can contribute to NATO's technological advancement.

Throughout the event Swedish industry had the opportunity to learn how to engage and do future business with NATO and the Agency and the capabilities NATO is looking for from industry partners.

It also served as a platform for Sweden, a 'soon-to-be Ally', to better understand the work and the opportunities presented by the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency), the NATO's Defence Investment Division and the Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA).

The Industry Day was organized by the Swedish government in cooperation with the Swedish Security and Defence Association (SOFF), and supported by the NCI Agency. Swedish companies had the opportunity to demonstrate their capabilities and products during short elevator pitches throughout the day.

The NCI Agency places high importance on industry engagement and cooperation due to the crucial relevance of industry when it comes to developing the newest and most advanced technologies in the market. Jennifer Upton, Chief of Acquisition at the NCI Agency, highlighted this sentiment throughout her introduction into the work of the Agency.

"The event provided a great opportunity to start our engagement with Swedish companies and enable them to begin preparing for business with our Agency once Sweden becomes an Ally," Jennifer Upton stated. "We look forward to collaborating with Swedish industry, not-for-profits, and academia on innovative solutions that will enable NATO to be at the forefront of cutting-edge technology."

Upton also discussed the Agency's business volumes and the non-competitive ways that companies and not-for-profits can engage with the Agency.

Antonio Calderon, NCI Agency Chief Technology Officer, briefed attendants on the Agency's priority technology areas, as well as future plans and focus areas to inform companies of NATO's potentially required capabilities in the coming years. "The NCI Agency welcomes Sweden's expertise in technology and experience in defence, and is eager to learn what industry can offer. This open and collaborative sharing of innovative ideas and state-of-the-art solutions is what is needed to continue supporting the Agency's work in keeping NATO's technological edge," Calderon said.

To foster engagement with current and future industry partners, the NCI Agency supports several national industry days a year to ensure companies from across the Alliance are empowered to showcase their latest technology to NATO and can learn about acquisition processes and business opportunities.