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11 15 2023

NATO senior officials discuss the future of NATO Digital Workplace

The NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency) welcomed senior representatives from across many NATO entities to the 3rd NATO Digital Workplace (NDW) conference held in The Hague, Netherlands, on 14 and 15 November 2023, in a hybrid format.

The NDW conference was hosted by the NCI Agency, chaired by Jean-Paul Massart, Chief of the NDW Centre, and championed by the NATO Office of the Chief Information Officer. This year's conference served as a platform for meaningful discussion on the role of the digital workplace in achieving effective multi-domain operations before 2030. The NATO Digital Workplace has a prominent part in the NATO Digital Transformation Strategy.

NATO senior officials discuss the future of NATO Digital Workplace

The event programme included a roundtable with senior stakeholders from across different NATO entities, such as Allied Command Operations and Allied Command Transformation. The conference aimed to spark collaborative discussion about ongoing and planned activities regarding the digital workplace. The two-day event included a visit to the recently opened NDW Experience Centre at the Agency's campus in The Hague, a centre displaying the latest technology used within NATO and the NCI Agency.

"The environment in which we live and work is constantly changing. Our needs as an organization evolve rapidly and developments in the world of technology and virtual collaboration change even more rapidly. Leading the cultural change associated with NATO Digital Transformation is of paramount importance, as it not only ensures the successful adoption of cutting-edge technologies but also underpins the NATO Enterprise's ability to adapt swiftly to evolving global challenges," said NCI Agency General Manager, Ludwig Decamps, during his opening remarks.

The NCI Agency established the NDW Centre on 1 January 2022, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, to ensure business continuity across NATO in the face of a new reality. The NDW Centre supports the Alliance and all NATO Member Nations to enable a digital environment where they can connect, communicate and collaborate.