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03 11 2020

NATO Agency receives award for excellence in knowledge management

The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency has been recognized for "excellence in knowledge management" by APQC, a benchmarking and best practices research firm.

The firm recognized 12 organizations as winners of its Excellence in Knowledge Management award for 2020. The winners will be formally recognized at APQC's 25th annual Knowledge Management Conference, to be held on 29 April to 1 May in Houston, Texas, United States.

"Knowledge Management is not a destination, it's a journey," said NCI Agency Knowledge Manager Maria-Rosa Moroso. "This recognition is only telling us we are travelling in the right direction. Now comes the critical work of making sure the journey creates value to the organization and its staff."

NATO Agency receives award for excellence in knowledge management

Launched in 2019, the award is based on an analysis from APQC's Knowledge Management Capability Assessment Tool, which provides an evidence-based methodology with which to measure and evaluate KM competencies across four categories: strategy, people, process and content and information technology.

"All of the award winners generate impactful results through sustainable knowledge management programs," said Dr Carla O'Dell, chairman of APQC. "We are excited to name this second class of awardees and recognize the practical, productive, and measurable uses of knowledge they have established within their organizations."

After completing the assessment, organizations are assigned an overall maturity rating for their KM programme, as well as scores for 12 different capabilities. Organizations achieving level three, four or five maturity were recognized with the 2020 Excellence in Knowledge Management award. The NCI Agency achieved level three.

"We have conducted KM assessments for many years on hundreds of organizations around the world, provide keen insight into how companies compare to their peers in harnessing and deploying knowledge to achieve business impact," noted Cindy Hubert, APQC utive director of client solutions. "It is our honour to once again recognize those knowledge programs that have achieved high levels of maturity and to showcase the value they are bringing to their organizations."

Read more about the NCI Agency's knowledge management efforts here.

"Thank you APQC for the Knowledge Management Excellence Award, but more importantly, thank you for making your knowledge and experience available to us over these past four years! We look forward to many more years of fruitful learning from and with you," Moroso said.