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01 21 2015

Industry Information Day held in The Hague

On 9 January, NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency), in The Hague, Netherlands, hosted a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Functional Services (CBRN-FS) Industry Information Day. The purpose of the event was to provide industry with initial information on the Invitation for Bid, planned to be released in April this year. The meeting attracted almost 50 participants, who represented 27 companies from NATO Nations.

The CBRN-FS project is included in Capability Package 9C0107. With estimated investment cost of €7m and high level of complexity, the project is considered a Software Intensive Project. The scope includes support to CBRN planning, as well as warning and reporting functions integrated with other functional services delivered by the Agency.The list of services provided by the CBRN-FS include production of the Recognised CBRN Picture, which shows assets and areas affected by or potentially at risk from CBRN effects, and will be presented in NATO's Common Operational Picture.

The project will provide the first integrated NATO CBRN capability, expected to be fielded to NATO forces and HQs by 2018.

For more information please contact Mr Martin Steenwege, Senior Contracting Officer, tel. +32 2 707 8335, Martin.Steenwege@ncia.nato.int