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04 9 2015

Bulgarian Ministry of Defence and NCIO signed a Memorandum of Agreement

On 27 March 2015, the General Manager of the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency), Mr Koen Gijsbers, counter-signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) related to cooperation on Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) activities on behalf of the NATO Communications and Information Organization (NCIO). Bulgaria was represented at the signing ceremony by their National Armaments Director, Mr Dobromir Totev. This important agreement will ensure continuity of the cooperation established through the previous MOA dating back to 24 February 2010.

The General Manager thanked the NCI Agency Staff – including the Legal Office and Demand Management, who had been instrumental in re-negotiating the MOA – and highlighted the fact that it was the first time an umbrella MOA, including terms and conditions for Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW), was established.

He also highlighted the increased bilateral cooperation in the provision of Broadcast, Maritime Rear Link and Ship Shore (BRASS), extension of the Air Command and Control System (ACCS), and additional core and functional software services. Furthermore, an important part of our future cooperation opportunities is focused around NATO's Readiness Action Plan and Bulgaria's contribution in hosting a NATO Force Integration Unit for NATO's Spearhead Force.

The NCI Agency remains committed to the current cooperation with a key Ally as Bulgaria and will develop a comprehensive roadmap for future cooperation, starting next month during the planning session in Sofia, Bulgaria, where the MYPOW is expected to be finalized.

The National Armaments Director, Mr Dobromir Totev underlined crucial upcoming activities with the NCI Agency that will support Bulgaria's achievement of their NATO 2020 strategy, with particular focus on Cyber Defence, Automated Information Services modernization, and Cryptographic Equipment acquisition activities for essential military capabilities.