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02 18 2015

Agency to participate in Software Engineering for Defence Applications conference

From 26 - 27 May 2015, the Logistics Department of the Italian General Army Staff will host the annual Software Engineering for Defence Applications (SEDA) conference at the prestigious "Palazzo Salviati" in Rome, Italy.

Among the many interesting technical presentations, there will be an operational demonstration of LC2EVO, the Command and Control software developed by the Logistic Department of the Italian Army in co-operation with relevant defence contractors, Universities and the NCI Agency.

Part of the LC2EVO demonstration is based on the NCI Agency's research and development of an Augmented Reality (AR) solution for dismounted soldiers. As one of the contributor to the LC2EVO project, the Agency will participate in the demonstration.

The aim of software engineering is to model, manage and implement structured and sustainable software products and processes. In the Defence area these aspects are even more critical and the level of reliability and quality requested is incomparable to the commercial standards At SEDA, industry and government organizations unite to collaborate and respond to the increasing need for defence software engineering.

For more information on the conference please visit www.sedaconference.eu.

For more information on the NCI Agency's AR development for dismounted soldiers click here.

Agency to participate in Software Engineering for Defence Applications conference