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06 26 2015

Agency staff member honoured with Medal of Merit

On 25 June 2015, the Deputy Prime Minister of Poland - Minister of National Defence, Mr Tomasz Siemoniak presented NATO Communications and Information Agency staff member, Mrs Agata Szydelko, with a Medal of Merit for National Defence (Polish: Medal Za Zasługi dla Obronności Kraju).

The decoration ceremony took place at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the North Atlantic Council in Brussels, Belgium, in presence of Permanent Representative, Ambassador Jacek Najder and Military Representative, MGEN Andrzej Fałkowski.

The Medal of Merit for National Defence is a decoration of the Ministry of National Defence of Poland. Established 21 April 1966 and revised in 1991, the medal recognizes meritorious service that strengthens the military of the Republic of Poland.

"The hardest battles for national and global security take place through hard work and commitment pursued by the civil servants and military staff in national and international settings. Although we realize how difficult this work is, it is not always properly recognized," said Deputy Prime Minster Siemoniak. The award of the Medal to Mrs Szydelko is in recognition of her twelve years work with the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) and the NCI Agency.

As Senior Contracting Officer in the Acquisition Division, Mrs Szydelko was responsible for coordinating the Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) Programme, and promoting small and medium enterprises involvement in cooperation with NATO. She managed contracts for the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) (Force Tracking System, tetrapol radios), the Kosovo Force (satellite communication), and software acquisitions like the Maritime Command and Control System (MCCIS) or the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement that addressed the national and Territorial Host Nations requirements.

Agency staff member honoured with Medal of Merit

Mrs Szydelko currently holds the position of Principal Business Development Manager in Demand Management, where she leads the development of Smart Defence Multinational Projects and Partnerships in the field of Cyber Defence, Defence Planning or use of NATO Software Tools by the Nations, this last area being of vital importance in particular in the context of NATO's Readiness Action Plan implementation. Previously, she was also in charge of account management and bilateral cooperation development with Eastern and South Eastern Europe, actively supporting enhancement of national capabilities and interoperability between NATO and national systems.

In 2012, Mrs Szydelko completed the NATO Executive Development Program, with the "NATO Internal Communication" report findings implemented by the NATO Headquarters. Mrs Szydelko also published in international journals and specialist magazines, sharing the experience and knowledge related to NATO cooperation with other international organizations and development of multinational cooperation between Nations.