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12 15 2016

Agency Internship - from school bench to NATO

If you are a curious and enthusiastic student, an internship at the NCI Agency is without doubt something for you. I'm a Crisis and Security Management student and this year, I had the privilege to work at the NCI Agency for eight months and discover the workings of an international organization.

At the beginning, it was a bit scary to work for this large organization, but once you are through the security doors, you start to feel welcome. It is fun and special working with people from so many different nationalities and academic backgrounds.

It feels good to step out of the university bubble and learn the tricks of the trade of Operational Analysis. Besides offering support to the day-to-day business, I was also given my own projects to work on. I enjoyed researching the many challenging dynamics of Afghanistan.

I am thankful for all the chances I received, this is definitely not an internship where all you do is get coffee or work the copy machine. My ideas, fresh perspective and questions were truly appreciated. I had the opportunity to make connections and present my work to stakeholders within and outside the Agency. Moreover, I appreciated the chance to not only learn about my department, but also discover the bigger picture of NATO. The business trips to Brussels HQ and SHAPE showed me how other departments work within NATO.

I am especially grateful to my direct colleagues who showed me the world of the Agency. After eight months at the Agency, I felt ready to leave the student benches and start my first official job.

Internship Programmes>

Internship Opportunities in the Hague, Brussels and Mons>